Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's Postcard Time.

Here's the front and back of my postcard, I just got back from the printers, where I had a hundred of these babies printed up. Next week you'll be able to find me lurking in the magazine racks of Hub, Milner, and Crapters, with a notebook, taking names. Then I will disseminate.

Also, My friend Frederick Kroetsch did a nice little piece on Steven Teeuwson, the creator and publisher of the fantastic little art Rag 'Notebook Magazine', in which I make an appearance. Check that out here. I think it's the canned music that really makes the piece shine: particularly the 'I survived breast cancer' music that beds in during the cover montage.

And Tonight Notebook Magazine will be holding a fundraising Gala tonight at the Arts Barns, so if you're not at Wyrdfest, go down there and bid on my painting. Or any of the work from over 75 local artists who have donated work on behalf of Notebook's noble cause. I'll be pooping back and forth between the two events.

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